Methandienone Tablets
Compostion:Each tablet contains: Methandienone 10 mg
Indications and usage:
Rapid restore muscle tissue atrophied during recovery from a traumatic injury
Offset muscel catabolism in patients with a wasting syndrome
Treat certain types of anemia which are non-responsive to first line agents.
Side effects/adverse reactions:
Prepubertal: Phallic enlargement, increased frequency of erections. Postpubertal: inhibition of testicular function, oligospermia, gynecomastia.
Hirsutism: Male pattern baldness; deeping of voice; clitoral enlargement. These changes are usually inversible even after prompt discontinue of therapy and are not prevented by concomitant use of estrogens, In addition, the following may occur Menstrual irregularities; masculinisation of the detus.
Elevated liver enzymes and in extreme cases hepatic liver dysfunction may occur, 17 alpha alkylated androgens may cause cholestatic hepatities and jaundice, particularly with larger doasges or prolonged treatment. Liver function should be monitored for changes including serum bilrubin, aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and alkaline phosphate (AP).
Edema may be increased in patients on concurrent adrenal cortical steriod or ACTH therapy. Anabolic steriod hormones may increase low density lipoproteins(LDL) and decrese high density lipoproteins(HDL). Lipids levels generally return to normal upon discontinuation of treatment.